Wednesday, September 23, 2009

DOSCST - Science Laboratory Inventory System

JEJ Group
John Carl R. Macaubos
Estella Mae S. Encienzo
Joy Mae F. Ebuetada

Monday, September 21, 2009


Use Case: “Search for Meal”

Short Description: “The customer wants to  order foods in the restaurant”

Actor: “Customer”

Requirements: “Customer should have money”

Pre Condition: “The Customer choosing foods in the Menu-List.”

Post Condition: “The Customer successfully ordered his food.”

Main Flow: “The Customer should pay first in the cashier”

Alternate Flow: “The customer's money is not enough to buy this kind of food.”

Exceptions Flow: “Your money is fake!”

Use Case: “Search for book/s”

Short Description: “The student wants to borrow a book in the library”

Actor: “Students”

Requirements: “Each Student should have an ID”

Pre Condition: “ The Student's ID  should already validated”

Post Condition: “The Students may now be able to borrow a book”

Main Flow: “Each Student should present his/her validated ID in the Library Personnel. And records their name, signature, code of the book and the date to a specified record book” 

Alternate Flow: “Your ID was not validate”

Exceptions Flow: “No network connection”